Everything you need to know
Is there a free trial?

Yes we have a free trial. You get to use TrackBee for free until you hit €50k in revenue. Once you past that, our advanced plan's got you covered at €100/month per store. While you're trying out TrackBee, you can see for yourself how it delivers the value you need. For details about the trial period, check out our pricing page.

Why do the best advertisers use this tracking tool?

Platforms like Facebook and Pinterest only track 70% of your total sales. This not only affects decisions about which ads to scale up or down, but it also means that ad platforms' AI’s are optimizing on only a part of the data. Simply put: ad budgets are not being maximized. With TrackBee, you get 100% data tracking with AI. We not only make the data insightful, but also send it back to platforms like Facebook, Pinterest and Google. This not only gives you full insight into where your sales are coming from, but the ad platforms also optimize their algorithms.

Does TrackBee over-attribute?

No, we don't over-attribute because our analysis is based solely on real data, and we don't use conversion modeling.

Is technical experience necessary for setting up TrackBee?

No, you don't need any technical experience to set up TrackBee. Our platform is designed for quick setup, just follow a few simple steps to get going!

Why is TrackBee different?

We differentiate ourselves with our advanced server-side tracking that bypasses obstacles such as cookie blockers. By capturing data in first-party context, we avoid problems associated with client-side tracking and ensure higher data accuracy. What sets TrackBee apart is the unique use of our models to enrich customer data. Our models use GDPR-compliant data to add extra information, such as email, location, and phone, to all events. By linking these additional events, we significantly increase the matching rate, which improves the event match quality. This enhanced matching allows advertising platforms, like Facebook, to better understand and target your ideal audience. Consequently, these platforms can find your customers more accurately and cost-effectively, optimizing your ad spend and improving the effectiveness of your campaigns.

What advertising platforms does TrackBee currently support?

Currently we support Meta (Facebook & Instagram), TikTok, Pinterest and Google.

How does TrackBee work?

TrackBee increases the efficiency of your digital marketing with server-side tracking and data enrichment techniques, overcoming typical challenges like cookie blockers and privacy restrictions. We start by collecting your data and capturing it in first-party context. This data is then enriched using our algorithm, increasing accuracy by matching more events. We send this enriched data back to advertising platforms, improving their ability to target effectively, leading to better campaign results.

How much does it cost?

Our payment structure is based on tracked revenue. This means you're only paying for the actual revenue we track. You get to use TrackBee for free until you hit €50k in revenue. Once you past that, our advanced plan's got you covered at €100/month up to €50k monthly revenue. And for anything above that, it's only €0,90 for every additional €1000 you make each month. It's our way of making sure our prices match your growth. 

How do I get started?

Our platform is designed for quick setup. No development skills needed, just follow a few simple steps on our website to get going! Once you're set up, data starts flowing automatically.

Do you send the data in real-time?

Yes! The data is sent in real time and is immediately visible in the Ad Insights in the platform

How accurate is the data?

By using our data enrichment techniques, we can ensure that the data is 100% accurate.

Our loved Bees
Diese Leute haben es verstanden

Entdecken Sie TrackBee durch die Augen unserer zufriedenen Kunden. Lesen Sie ihre Bewertungen und erfahren Sie, wie TrackBee die Art und Weise, wie sie Daten verfolgen, analysieren und für ihren Erfolg nutzen, verändert.

Lisa de V

Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt vom Kundenservice von TrackBee! Als ich Hilfe in Bezug auf mein Konto brauchte, habe ich mich an sie gewandt, und sie haben sofort reagiert und mir innerhalb von Minuten geholfen. Der Support-Mitarbeiter war sehr freundlich und hat mein Problem schnell gelöst. Ausgezeichneter Service, danke TrackBee!

accurate tracking
Decreased traffic cost
Decreased traffic cost
Michael D

TrackBee hat unser Leben als Marketeers verändert. Präzise Daten und verbesserte KI-Optimierung führen zu gezielteren Anzeigen und fantastischen Ergebnissen. Ein Wendepunkt!

accurate tracking
Decreased traffic cost
Decreased traffic cost
Dion de M
Marke CEO

Wir sind von WeTracked auf TrackBee umgestiegen, und das war ein echter Wendepunkt. Bei WeTracked fehlten uns aufgrund seiner Beschränkungen die Konversionsdaten. TrackBee hingegen erfasst nicht nur Daten, sondern lässt sie für uns arbeiten. Im Gegensatz zu WeTracked, das als Datenbrücke fungiert, setzt TrackBee durch die direkte Verbindung mit dem Server einen neuen Standard. Wenn Sie Ihr Tracking optimieren wollen, ist TrackBee der richtige Weg!

accurate tracking
Decreased traffic cost
Decreased traffic cost
Oscar van V

Seit ich TrackBee benutze, hat sich mein Tracking endlich verbessert! Dadurch kann ich die Daten viel besser lesen und auch besser skalieren. Darüber hinaus können Sie alle Daten pro Geschäft im Dashboard sehen, was sehr einfach ist. Äußerst empfehlenswert!

accurate tracking
Decreased traffic cost
Decreased traffic cost
Lars B

Der Kundendienst von TrackBee ist erstklassig. Ich hatte eine Frage, schickte ihnen eine Nachricht und erhielt eine prompte und hilfreiche Antwort. TrackBee ist bestrebt, Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Dienstleistungen zu optimieren. Erstklassiger Service!

accurate tracking
Decreased traffic cost
Decreased traffic cost
Peter B

Dank der präzisen Daten von TrackBee konnten wir mit Zuversicht skalieren und sicherstellen, dass unsere Einnahmen aus bestimmten Kampagnen stammen. Das Echtzeit-Anzeigen-Dashboard bietet noch mehr Geschwindigkeit, Einblick und Wachstum. Erstaunlich!

accurate tracking
Decreased traffic cost
Decreased traffic cost
Get your first €50000 tracked for free